Tuesday 4 January 2011

Task 3- Historical Text Analysis & Research

The historic text I have chosen to compare my contemporary text ‘Adulthood’ & ‘Shanked’ with are:

1.    Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels  Guy Ritchie, 1998


Four Cockney wide-boys are tricked into owing 500,000 nicker to the local gang-land boss and porn king, ‘Hatchet’ Harry Lonsdale. With the very real threat of finger amputation looming over them the lads come up with a plan to nick the cash from their next-door neighbours: a gang of hardcase drug-dealers… Meanwhile, ‘Hatchet’ ain’t none too pleased when a pair of antique shotguns wot he wants are sold on by a pair of Scouse thieves, to be used in a “job”… The involvement of a conscientious debt-collector, some public school “chemists”, a psychotic hash-baron, a lot of guns and knives, ensures that karma is surrealistically resolved (just!) before the end credits roll

2.    Du Rififi Chez les Hommes Jules Dassin, 1955

Tony Stephanois, just out of prison and angry at his girl Mado’s infidelity, decides to join his pals Jo and Mario in an ambitious crime. With Italian safe expert Cesar, they meticulously plan the burglary of a large jewelry establishment. Not a word is spoken as the crime is carried out. And then things begin to go wrong…

3.    City of God Fernando Meirelles, 2002

Brazil, 1960′s, City of God. The Tender Trio robs motels and gas trucks. Younger kids watch and learn well…too well. 1970′s: Li’l Zé has prospered very well and owns the city. He causes violence and fear as he wipes out rival gangs without mercy. His best friend Bené is the only one to keep him on the good side of sanity. Rocket has watched these two gain power for years, and he wants no part of it. Yet he keeps getting swept up in the madness. All he wants to do is take pictures. 1980′s: Things are out of control between the last two remaining gangs…will it ever end? Welcome to the City of God.

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